Nation’s Triathlon Raffle: Win a Giant Road Bike from The Bike Rack!
September 7-9, 2012
Expo: Washington DC Hilton Hotel 1919 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington DC (Fri 12-8pm, Sat 9am-8pm)
Race: East Potomac Park/Tidal Basin (Sunday 7am-3pm)
Enter in person or online at:
Athletes Without Limits will be sharing a booth with our sponsor The Bike Rack at the Nations Triathlon Expo this weekend. Stop by or enter online to win a Giant Trinity Advanced SL Road Bike. A portion of your $20 raffle ticket will help intellectually disabled athletes integrate and accelerate in sport. The raffle ends Sunday, September 9 at midnight, you need not be present to win and there is no limit to the number of tickets you may purchase. (Note exact model may be different from bike pictured above).
Enter online to win your new bike!

Sean raced the Men’s 25-29 Open category and finished with the pack

Nations Triathlon Promoter Chuck Brodsky congratulates Athletes Without Limits’ Sean O’Rourke for completing the 2011 Nations Triathlon.