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2021 Virtus International Para-Equestrian Video Competition (Virtual)

June 5, 2021 - October 5, 2021

Read about and watch videos of US riders competing in last years event.

Entry into the 5th Annual Virtus Para-Equestrian Video Competition for athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities is open until October 2021. With the COVID pandemic still affecting areas differently please prioritize the safety of riders by following your local area and facility guidelines at all times.

To compete in this annul event, athletes should be able to complete one or more of the accepted FEI Para Dressage tests listed in the event packet at their home facility between June 5 – October 5th, 2021 and have a parent/trainer/other record a video by following the guidelines provided. (Videos of tests judged in another competition may not be entered.)

As the USA Member of Virtus, Athletes Without Limits manages the entry process for US riders. Multiple videos may be submitted for review by our Athletes Without Limits US National Equestrian Director to help determine the best entries to submit to Virtus.


Note: The entry information below is for Virtus athletes from the United States — Athletes from other countries should reach out to their Virtus member at www.virtus.sport.

Event Packet for USA Athletes (PDF):
Download the USA Guide to the 5th Virtus Para Equestrian Video Competition a PDF packet that provides all the information on this event web page as well as additional details on which FEI dressage tests to use, video recording details and event rules specifically for USA athletes.

Age Groups & Eligibility:
The event is open to Senior or Youth (up to the age of 21, birthday before end of the year) riders.
Competition will be held for all three Virtus eligibility groups:
• II1 Intellectual Disability (IQ 75 or lower, Significant Limitations in Adaptive Behavior, Age of onset by 18)
• II2 Intellectual Disability w/significant additional impairment (including Tri21 Down Syndrome)
• II3 Autism+ (IQ 76 or higher and/or does not meet II1 Criteria)
New US Athletes who have not already done so should complete National or International level Athlete Eligibility Application.

Entry Fees:
The entry fee to enter the event is $80 USD. An additional $36 Virtus License Fee/Renewal may apply to some athletes — Athletes will email you personally after you complete your intent to enter form with a link to pay an invoice for your entry fees.

Event Dates:
All entries must be submitted by the Virtus member organizations for each country no later than midnight (GMT) on 5th October 2021. To validate that all tests have been recorded in the qualifying period June 5 – October 5th, 2021, a newspaper with the date clearly visible must be shown at the beginning of each video recording. Virtus will announce results October 19th, 2021.

Key Dates for USA Athletes:
By July 15th, US athletes should complete the online Intent to Enter Form below (and submit an eligibility application if a new athlete). You will then be emailed details for paying the entry fees and submitting videos to Athletes Without Limits by October 1, 2021.

This event is organized in accordance with the Virtus 7.12 Para Dressage Rules (March 2021) and in accordance with the FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse.


  • Step 1: Complete Intent to Enter Form by July 15th
    Complete the online entry form using the button below. You do not need to pay the entry fee or have your video complete to do so. By completing the form early we can determine if we’ll have enough USA entries (3) for the team competition. NEW athletes should also submit a National Eligibility Application by July 15th, 2021 to ensure completion in time for this event.
    USA Intent to Enter Form
  • Step 2: Receive Entry Invoice by Email and pay online by Oct 1, 2021
    After you submit the entry form, Athletes Without Limits will send you a personalized email invoice for the $80 event entry fee (and $36 Virtus License Fee/Renewal if that applies) which is due when you submit your Video entries. The email will also provide instructions on how to upload your videos.
  • Step 3: Upload Videos by October 1, 2021
    Record your test(s) at your home facility using the guidelines in the event packet. The personalized email you receive from Athletes Without Limits after you submit your Intent to Enter Form in Step 1 above will include detailed instructions on how to upload your videos to us. Multiple videos can be submitted for review by our Athletes Without Limits USA Equestrian Director to help determine the best entries to submit. While the global video submission deadline is October 5th (midnight GMT) — Athletes Without Limits should received US athlete’s videos by October 1st, 2021 to ensure adequate time to review. Athletes Without Limits will collect and submit all US videos and will submit them to Virtus as the US Team.


As the US Member of Virtus, we launched the Athletes Without Limits Equestrian Program in 2017 to organize and assist US Equestrians interested in participating in Virtus Dressage competitions for athletes with intellectual impairment. At the local, regional, and national levels our goal is to develop competitive opportunities for US equestrians that include a variety of disciplines and skill levels. We encourage new athletes interested in competing who are riding independently at the walk, trot and canter and have reached proficiency in dressage OR an equestrian sport other than dressage to contact us to develop a plan for transitioning into Virtus dressage competition.


June 5, 2021
October 5, 2021
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Virtus International Federation for Athletes with Intellectual Impairment